Quel che so è che non so

Sabato 26 marzo 2011 mattina, sono circa le nove, mi chiama una signora che conosco per chiedermi un consiglio sul da farsi per il suo mal di shciena che da qualche giorno si fa sentire ma che nelle ultime ore è diventato invivibile, dolore forte, impossibilità a afre qualsiasi cosa.

Do la mia disponoibilità per visitarla alle 14.00 dicendogli che ho un corso alle 14.30 e che quindi sarò “breve”, ma proveremo a farci un’idea della situazione.

Viene all’appuntamento, accompagnata poichè non riusciva a muoversi e mi dice che poco dopo avermi chiamato è svenuta dal dolore e che ha deciso di andare al pronto soccorso. Qui gli hanno proposto un paio di iniezioni, antidolorifiche, le famosissime coppie di routine, e di rimanere in osservazione. Ha deciso di andarsene perchè non voleva punturarsi.

In queste situazioni solitamente non ci sono grandi cose da fare, fase acuta di una possibile erniazione o protrusione.

Lamenta un dolore forte con irradiazioni che vanno dal polpaccio al tallone, bilateralmente. La invito a sdraiarsi sul lettino e lo fa con molta sofferenza. Tra me e me inizio a pensare che se ne andrà come è arrivata ed anche che ho solo 15 minuti per provare ad aiutarla.

Ho fatto tre cose dopo che si è stesa:

1) ho messo una mano sulla zona sacrale dove sono rimasto al amssaimo 30 secondi.

2) ho preso uno stiletto metallico che uso per stimolare alcuni punti sia sull’orecchio che sul corpo e ho stimolato la zona riflessa del bacino e colonna sull’orecchio, sia sul lobo anteriore che posteriore (quest’ultimo aiuta la bascula pelvica)

3) con lo stesso stiletto metallico ho tracciato delle linee dal pube fino all’ombelico: centrali (vaso concezione) e laterali (meridiano rene e stomaco), si stimola fino ad ottenere una linea rossa sulla pelle.

Gli chiedo di verificare muovendosi, se sente delle differenze nel dolore, diminuito o aumentato; non sente più nulla, si muove, si divincola ma non riesce a sentire il dolore. La faccio alzare e anche così non lo percepisce se non appena sul gluteo, ma nulla di rilevante. Il trattamento è durato dieci minuti in tutto e forse meno. Ci siamo salutati con l’impegno di tenersi in contatto, visto che il lunedì avrebbe fatto una risonanza.

Lunedì mattina mi invia un sms e mi dice che sta a passeggio in spiaggia, nessuna risonanza.

Riporto questa esperienza perchè sono quelle cose che a volte accadono in questo lavoro e  che si fa fatica a comprendere e debbo dire che non mi sforzo nememno molto in tal senso, alla fine ciò che conta è che stia meglio.

Ma questo ci conferma ancora una volta quanto l’uomo sia “magico” nel suo modo di funzionare.

A partire da un quadro funesto, ernie, risonanze, cortisonici etc si arrivi senza fare quasi niente a cancellare magicamente tutto.

Tutto quello che studi e che sembra abbia una certa linearità va a farsi friggere.

Il buon Einstein è stato abbastanza chiaro in questo

La teoria è quando si sa tutto e niente funziona. La pratica è quando tutto funziona e nessuno sa il perché.”

So solo che sono stato bene tutto il pomeriggio.

Pubblicato da peppevagnoni

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4.574 Risposte a “Quel che so è che non so”

  1. given guidelines for producing timely, informative articles…

    and features to increase your subscriber base?whatever your specific needs for a good writer are, this article aims at helping you focus on 5 key requirements of hiring an experienced writer who will deliver value-driven content for enhancing your publ…

  2. to learn about a specific skill set…

    (for example, painting with oil based paint) or are they coming to get news about the latest trend in decorating? one type of blog is teaching-based, the other is reporting. either one is fine and you can mix styles a bit,…

  3. could always use relevant examples to support…

    to your ideas or arguments.use of infographicsa blog post is a way to make people understand aspects related to a certain topic. mere words may not suffice in putting forth an idea completely; pictures, maps or graphs can add just that…

  4. the header is the first thing that…

    people will see so you will want it to be a natural part of your blog and reflect the theme of your blog.there are many wordpress blog themes to choose from that have nice headers so choose one that you like…

  5. write this article so that people can…

    get a better understanding of what a good blog post is and how writing pillar content can help them.you’ll need to write 5 amazing pillar articles. this is an article that is written in a tutorial style and it is supposed…

  6. Websites we think you should visit…

    we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out…

  7. them so that you have a clear…

    understanding of each point, and you can easily frame sentences to explain them when you start writing.always have all the information ready before you start writing the actual post so that it does not break the flow. to make things easier…

  8. by your niche. if, on the other…

    hand, you love your niche, you’ll be motivated to discover new and profitable ways to transform your business.finally, it’s fun. there’s nothing better than doing something you love. we all want to learn how to make money online. that doesn’t force…

  9. rate will slow down in response making…

    it more difficult to lose weight.if you are not sure about the food items that you should eat before and after weight training regimens, get in touch with a nutritionist for proper guidance. while weight training is hard, it can yield…

  10. you, it also helps search engine and…

    content related sites and other bloggers in categorizing your content in there links. most importantly, it can make you a sort-of expert at a that topic. you can even choose a genre you are not yet awesome at and grow in…

  11. writer must be able to understand your…

    goals for business so that he is able to achieve the aims set by you. the writer should be able to make a thorough research work before he starts writing. the writer should understand your requirements and needs that will help…

  12. for the sidebar on your blog instead…

    of in the posts. instead, use text links they provide in your blog posts. these convert much better than banner ads. don’t make it seem as if they only thing you are doing is selling the reader something. write some posts…

  13. Websites you should visit…

    Every once in a while we choose blogs that we read. Listed below are the latest sites that we choose…

  14. but also let the readers know what…

    to expect in your post with just the overview.summarizeit is very important for you to summarize at the end of the post. in two or three lines, you can just sum up all that you have said in your post.it will…

  15. journalistif you enjoy reading newspapers, magazines, or…

    web articles, then you’re someone who appreciates the work of a journalist. achieving the necessary qualifications to obtain a career in this field involves earning at least a bachelor’s degree in journalism. seeking a program that meets your needs i…

  16. huge, and it’s okay that it seems…

    grand. the more, the better. remember, technorati lists over 15,000 food blogs. surely you can make contact with 100 of them.second, consider the number of people who will see that blog post into internet eternity. see, a blog post lives on…

  17. and having no one read it or…

    share it among their friends. to help your blog receive all the attention that it needs to survive among the millions of others on the internet we are going to offer you some helpful tips that will help your blog get…

  18. need to be good at writing it…

    correctly. learn proper grammar and spelling too.practice will always result to perfection. practice the guide above with dedication and it will be in no time that you will be writing your own bestseller. good writing skills can earn you good grades…

  19. in your own words and turn it…

    into a blog post. it doesn’t matter if you set up your blog for business or personal purposes; you have a blog because you want lots of people to read what you have to say. one way to drive readers to…

  20. of what that would suggest should you…

    be making money with a specific blog and you have invested time increasing visitors to that blog then one day it was just gone! yikes.one other thing to take into consideration when looking for the very best software are the types…

  21. your priorities may be to other parts…

    of your site or business, and having a blogger write for you means you site’s blog keeps ticking along nicely, able to bring in visitors through all its pages over the years as it grows.5. having more than one blog.you may…

  22. successful than before. after all, those are…

    not experienced in writing bids will obviously write weaker document than trained, experienced, skilled professionals who write tenders for a living, day in day out, as a full-time job. so, in practice, lots of companies and organisations come to reali…

  23. true importance of a seo blog. a…

    seo blog may seem similar to a regular blog but the set up is different and is crucial to helping you set up the best blog to make money online.what is a seo blog is a debated topic. through my research…

  24. writing help that walks you through the…

    steps for crafting good fiction, showing you how to write a novel. some of the better programs are built around story engines that are designed basing on research done by ‘reverse-engineering’ the acclaimed novels of masters past and present – meanin…

  25. in a single file that can be…

    transferred to a new hosting account and deployed within a matter of seconds.the choice is yours however, some people prefer to do the hard yards, however from my experience, my turning point was truly when i found software that would do…

  26. at the best blog hosting service make…

    modifications in the coding of the blogging tool, in order to make changes to the web page according to the needs and requirement of the clients. the experts in the team also give advice on the use of keywords in the…

  27. Great website…

    please visit the sites we follow, including this one, as it represents our picks from the web…

  28. parts of a blog post is important…

    and has a great deal to do with the appearance of your blog posts. most readers will quickly click away from a blog post that is nothing more than a page full of text. reading on a computer screen can be…

  29. Online Article…

    Every once in a while we choose blogs that we read. Listed underneath are the latest sites that we choose…

  30. that you want to expand online or…

    if you have some stuffs in your house you want to convert into cash, then selling on ebay is the best way to do it. you can literally make a fortune selling online and if youif you have noticed, facebook has…

  31. many times you’ll hear of it as…

    “brain dead” or “writers block”, and both – well – any way to explain it works well. the skill of how to write a good headline is easy enough to learn and do, once you understand the “why”.i have 8 different…

  32. writing too. if you spend much time…

    apart from something you can now only apprehend through memories, dreams, reflections, your expression of this in any art form will have much greater depth and intensity. the other day when i was talking to an author who is in the…

  33. loved to write? do you find yourself…

    creating story lines all the time? perhaps you enjoy writing factual material more than fiction? whatever it is you like to write, now is the time for you to be the writer you were meant to be.sometimes writers who have the…

  34. The Ships’s Voyages…

    I believe technological innovation just makes it even worse. Now there is a channel to in no way treatment, now there won’t be considered a likelihood for them to discover….

  35. song writing process with your customized songbook….

    brainstormingbrainstorming is a great way to jump-start your writing flow. it does not require any strenuous thought, and there are no time limits. whether you have too much of a perspective on a topic, or not enough, a very helpful strategy…

  36. much every day to keep the writing…

    and content fresh and updated.however, as time progresses, that enthusiasm slowly dies, and we do less and less as new or higher priorities take our attention.2. quality of content.because your writing skills may not be up to scratch, you may know…

  37. provide nothing but meaningful information. while trying…

    to keep it short and to the point, tell your readers who you are, what you do, and your areas of expertise. as much as possible, use anchor texts instead of absolute urls. end it by simply using compelling call to…

  38. or it might have been ads in…

    magazines or on tv that made readers buy the book. that doesn’t mean all those people liked the book or even read it-just that the marketing campaign was successful enough to convince people to buy the book.but good writing can triumph…

  39. Great Content…

    we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out…

  40. be used to create spreadsheets, presentations, and…

    databases. one good thing about this is that it can operate together with microsoft word.2. stickies – an electronic post-it that has many features. you can change the pad’s colors and even set-up an alarm to open a note. this software…

  41. china (including ip blocking of foreign web…

    sites or search engine filtering), we present here the first large-scale analysis of political content censorship in social media, i.e., the active deletion of messages published by individuals.”now then, if you’re in china, i certainly wouldn’t rec…

  42. no need to mention you’ve written six…

    novels all of which have been rejected and you have the ninety-six rejection letters to prove it. if you don’t have an impressive writing background, leave out that information. if you have written for a newspaper or a magazine, or have…

  43. piece of writing. however, in letters that…

    are written to colleagues, customers, and the general public, it is better to put away the dictionary. instead, the writer should choose words that are most familiar to people. even when the writer knows the person he or she is writing…

  44. internet users just wish would go away…

    and for webmasters this is also a massive issue. if you do go along and just spam blogs, expect your comment to be deleted without even going live, but if it does go live and people see it, just imagine how…

  45. very possible for you to get online…

    writing work, even if you have no prior experience. the bad news is that you are competing against many other writers, some of whom are much more experienced than you, while others are willing to work at a lower rate of…

  46. get more followers to your twitter list.there’s…

    a site called “social oomph” that you will want to sign up for also. you have to pay a small fee to access its primary features, but i think it’s worth it if you want to put your twitter marketing on…

  47. eyes) work just fine. however, consider the…

    difference between those “external vendors” you mentioned, versus those “eternal” parties you directed.and how about the “manger” (rather than the “manager”) who directed your efforts? enough said.one trick that works even for professional writ…

  48. with blogging, you need a lot of…

    visitors to you blog. that means you should know how to market your blog (or website) online.now that you know your options, find out more about the option you like best, and start to get paid to work at home. if…

  49. Blogs you should be reading…

    please visit the sites we follow, including this one, as it represents our picks from the web…

  50. far outweigh the learning curve of having…

    one, which is very easy to learn once you talk with the right people. you own blog will give you so much more scope and business security.so these are my three reasons to own your own blog on the best blogging…

  51. writing. it helps if you are familiar…

    with the product. otherwise, you will need to research the product so that you can provide accurate informationfreelance writing. freelancers are people who write articles for a price. there are job boards with postings of people looking for a particul…

  52. blogging people will be able to see…

    who you are, what you stand for, how much knowledge you have and so forth.â  this is not easily done without a blog. social media marketing there are tons of social media sites out there that can drive traffic to your…

  53. Websites we think you should visit…

    we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out…

  54. the best they can be to draw…

    in new and repeat traffic and readers. here are some tips for writing great blog content.to get more traffic by ranking well in the search engines, blog content writers should begin the blog post with the keyword phrase relating to the…

  55. there are a few considerations you’d be…

    wise to take. first of all, keep your title short. don’t exceed the four word mark because if you do, your visitors will have a hard time remembering what your site is called and if they do, how will they ever…

  56. community, which can be accomplished by allowing…

    comments, you’re developing ‘close knit’ atmosphere! this is of vital importance because you want people to feel both welcomed and comfortable when they arrive! now that you have useful information to share with them visitors can in turn share with …

  57. Websites we think you should visit…

    we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out…

  58. that is related, whether in a positive…

    or negative way, to the current blog post. this will arouse reader curiosity and encourage responses. always acknowledge comments from blog readers. many bloggers find it tedious to reply to comments or simply lag behind in responding to comments, but …

  59. with our own blog.8. re-submissions. do not…

    submit a lens twice or copy and paste a blog from another blog site to get quick lens these will not rank well with major search engines and you could get in trouble for it, write your own original content and…

  60. up with hundreds of relevant links back…

    to your site (one way links which are even better) and at the same time you will start to establish a name for yourself in your own relevant community, so you are really achieving two things at once.as we mention, you…

  61. blog writers have the ability to turn…

    even the most timeless topics into hot, debatable, exciting posts simply by giving the topics a new twist.your blog posts should interest readers and provoke curiosity.up to date informationthe blogosphere is a fast evolving world and there is no space…

  62. comment, unless you have said something very…

    interesting. therefore always comment on related blogs.tip ii: add to the discussionany comment you add must add to the discussion or topic. so do not leave comments like good post or keep it up. this is surely put your comments at…

  63. for as little as 6 us dollars…

    a piece. but how do you know which one to choose for your article marketing project?simple! just follow these guidelines and you will do just fine:1. first of all make sure the freelancer is a native english writer2. then ensure he…

  64. select based on your keyword choices will…

    display, along with an “install theme”option that permits you to click the button and install the theme of your choice without knowing a single line of code or technical method.having accomplished your theme, the blog software, or cms if you prefer,…

  65. so beautiful that we were awed throughout…

    our visit to its grand estate.”if i open up a book and see a sentence like that, you can guarantee i’ll close the book right away. at the very least, get rid of the capitals and italics, but better yet, rewrite…

  66. have to offer. look for a blogging…

    platform that utilises plugins. plugins are essentially software programs that enable you to add certain features, without any technical knowledge, in fact most simply involve the click of your mouse.the best software will come with literally thousands…

  67. company should be able to take you…

    step-by-step through the process.other positive aspects include:personalization: wordpress themes are diverse and many. a few styles will even make your blog appear to be a web-based newspaper. characteristics: wordpress end users were able tons of “p…

  68. closer to your workout time, choose smaller…

    snacks, opting for a liquid meal an hour before the session that will give the body all the glucose that it needs. you can consume a small snack of 400 to 500 calories about 2 to 3 hours before weight training.remember…

  69. can use which can help generate traffic…

    to your blog:1. write quality contentif you want people to read your blog then your content needs to be very good. a short blog post which delivers no value won’t have people reading your blog.in addition, it is very unlikely that…

  70. or laughter, or some serious consideration, or…

    just the joy of a beautiful world or the sorrow of some deep grief.3. develop elements of surprise and suspense in any form of writing.ideas are problems waiting to be solved. they are difficulties to conquer, snares to escape, or treasures…

  71. even have to be a full on…

    review just a couple of really distinct points, and make sure you weave in some of your insight about why you believe this prediction may be correct. you can create a lot of discussion by using this style of posting.write a…

  72. paragraphs, consider magazines and newspapers, who have…

    people employed just to write these compelling words. they are what sells the paper or magazine. they matter that much. if you think this is important, it is. you need to take the time to learn how copywriters craft dynamic, compelling…

  73. diversified from personal into business and commentary….

    but with articles, notes, pictures videos and links to other sites, the basic idea is to spread information.the best blogs are those that do not offend even if the writer is taking a personal stand on the topic. if the writing…

  74. way to share your version. instead, you…

    summarize the movie, discuss the highlights, and add your own commentary as you go along. paraphrasing is very similar to this concept. after reading a chapter, an article, or any form of research you have gathered, pause, and take a minute…

  75. you know nothing about the publishing industry….

    remember, you, not the publisher, will be primarily responsible for marketing the book, so if the publisher is going to take the time and spend the money to publish your book, it wants to know the book is marketable and who…

  76. that way.there are good flat text database…

    blogs that include rss functionality, and there are complex blogs that rely on a mysql database, which lack of rss feeds. the adventurous blogger has to try all those scripts on a test server before actually decide what suite his or…

  77. have a great recipe for success. all…

    you need is passion, patience and persistency. with so many millions of sites out there, it can be a little overwhelming to know about the competition. it is important that you focus less on what others are doing and more on…

  78. this. blogger outreach, especially food blogger outreach,…

    takes a lot of time, a lot of effort, and sometimes it takes a lot of money (postage, packaging, materials, production time, etc.). it’s not easy to do yourself, and you need a strategy for how to find bloggers, how to…

  79. will be the most difficult, but at…

    the same time the most rewarding skill in your writing endeavor. getting discouraged with your blog income? need some help to get some cash rolling in? fed-up with writing about your passion and without any remuneration? well…here’s three ideas to g…

  80. prefer adam sandler or steve martin, and…

    others will find all of these people funny. be sure to think about your intended audience and try not to alienate anyone with your humor. for the beginning humor writer, avoiding religion, gender, race, and politics might be the best way…

  81. from the crowd.following these rules is important…

    to get your message across, and also to improve your credibility. authors and writers who don’t spell, who don’t have a command of basic grammar, and who flub punctuation basics just aren’t taken seriously. it is the modern era, in which…

  82. classic games…

    Its like you read my mind! You seem to know so much about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you can do with a few pics to drive the message home a bit, but instead of that, this is excellent blog. A great read. I will defin…

  83. be very difficult and complicated. but if…

    you will say something with twist, it will appear more interesting for the reader and he will appreciate your writing.there are certain tools which you can use to check your writing. for instance, grammar checks, as many software are available, through…

  84. Great website…

    please visit the sites we follow, including this one, as it represents our picks from the web…

  85. Title…

    […]just beneath, are various completely not related websites to ours, having said that, they are surely worth going over[…]…

  86. tips for my own. thanks a lot….

    this is really a nice and informative article. thanks for giving this information.it really help me in page ranking in seo. thanks a lot. i found an answers from you. nice blog, i really glad to used it. vas this is…

  87. as a journal, with some education thrown…

    in, but not with an eye toward marketing your business.to your awesome biz,heather a marketing plan is a refined version of a business plan in which all your market research is incorporated into the business plan to know your business in…

  88. Title…

    […]that could be the finish of this report. Right here you’ll uncover some web sites that we consider you’ll appreciate, just click the hyperlinks over[…]…

  89. Title…

    […]below you’ll find the link to some web-sites that we assume you ought to visit[…]…

  90. survived the ordeal intact. the fico scoring…

    model will give you an enormous boost just for demonstrating that you have what it takes to get back in action, to open new accounts, and to manage them in a wise and prudent manner. if you still have old accounts,…

  91. doing this. for some the answer will…

    be adsense. others will find that affiliate marketing will make them more cash. so you’re in some sort of network marketing company and you’ve heard that you should start a blog to help promote your business. but simply starting a blog…

  92. headlines that cause casual browsers to become…

    buyers. the body of your blog post is important as well. you should write in a clear, simple manner, without lots of long or jargon words. keep your sentences and paragraphs short and easy to read. use bullets or numbers to…

  93. Title…

    […]check beneath, are some totally unrelated web-sites to ours, having said that, they’re most trustworthy sources that we use[…]…

  94. difference between an adjective and an adverb,…

    so the next time he lambastes an author, he won’t look quite so asinine.in the meantime, writers should happily make use of all the parts of speech available to them, even the less-loved adverb. so long as we are aware of…

  95. Title…

    […]Every once inside a even though we pick blogs that we study. Listed beneath would be the most current web pages that we pick out […]…

  96. can use this to test new themes,…

    test new plugins, test new settings without doing anything to your original site. so, cloning makes it easy for you to make a new sandbox site.in addition, if you are a freelancer, cloning is the best tool you ever heard of…

  97. Websites we think you should visit…

    we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out…

  98. Websites we think you should visit…

    we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out…

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